We have been meaning to re-pot this baby as it has out-grown its pot. But it was supposed to be a bonsai so I am sure, it's not minding that the pot is too small.
One of these days, you'll be in your proper home.
With our OS trip looming, my weekends are full. I had almost a year to plan for this trip and although I am a fairly organised person, I am nowhere near ready. So far I have packed one suitcase and I need to pack six. I have planned what to pack in each suitcase so it's almost a quarter of the job done. There are hotels to book but the usual hotel that we stayed in to doesn't accept booking way ahead of time. I have scheduled to call a week before we get there. I just hope that there are vacancies then. But we are repeat business and we are familiar with the staff from the guards to the receptionist, I feel positive that we'll get a room.
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