
Simpler Tips

1.Be as honest as you can.

2.Watch your tone of voice today.

3.Say no at least once.

4.Take a nap if you are tired.

5.Recess time.

6.Work 15 min on something you have been procrastinating on.

7.Give your work your best today.

I just want to share some tips from Simpler Life. Yes, they are simple but they are not easy to do. These tips are supposed to alleviate stress in ones life. But I think, living the way I am has become a habit and part of my life that it seems if I wont' do those things, it's not me anymore. It has become my personality. It's ashame but really, that's the truth. Life has been a hussy buzzy for me and that's just the way I like it. I have down time and cram time. And before I get carried away, I have to do this testosterone creams that work assignment.

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