I can't resist putting into my toe where it shouldn't be but hey, this is news. Online outrage is going on but whatever the publisher wanted to achieve, it might be rotting also. Just my thought. Anyway, for the Royals they said there's a light at the end of the tunnel - hopefully some
hayward pool lights is visible where they are.
For someone so beautiful, this isn't pretty.
The face of the Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton, has been slapped on the front of a U.S. magazine with a set of yellow, decaying teeth.
The Royal was PhotoShopped like the American stereotype of a Brit with bad gnashers for a special issue of the politics and arts publication The New Republic about the future of Britain.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2169848/Kate-Middletons-teeth-PhotoShopped-look-rotten-US-magazine-cover-The-New-Republic.html#ixzz1zvud3guV